Writing help found here!

Whether your work is an idea, in outline form, in progress or finished and in need of editing or polishing, Marty helps you deliver the project.

Our Simple Process

After an initial FREE discussion over the phone, we determine your goals and a timeline to achieve them.

Clients email their work for edits, comments and suggestions in writing and/or over the phone.

Content writing service for your blank page.

Content editing services for your draft pages.

Writing, ghostwriting, editing services offered by an experienced professional writer, editor, coach.

Orange Hourglass

“One that values his time values

the time of others…”


After one free consultation.

$50.oo USD per hour


Time has value for me, and for those who share theirs with me. For that reason, my fees are high enough to take those moments seriously, yet low enough to be affordable for anyone committed to their project.

Coachwrite’s clients include writers, entrepreneurs, salespersons, professionals, and coaches who wish to communicate more effectively on websites, in blogs, sales letters, essays, PR releases, speeches, marketing materials, bios, brochures, books, white papers, eulogies, and e-books.