Writer’s Block Buster Blog

Overcome your writing challenges with Coachwrite

    Overcame Writer's Block

Max overcame his writer’s block.

  • Blank page paralysis?
  • Can’t let go of finished product?
  • Fear of failure?
  • Fear of success?
  • What to do next: Contact Marty: martha@coachwrite.com


How to Finish Your Project: Prioritize it! Inspiration, Perspiration, then Priority.  Coachwrite • 0 Comments There are as many reasons to put down a project as there are to complete it. When you want to finish a project, you finish it. Priority is one of my favorite words. When your project is a priority, it completes itself. There are three

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Courses Cost Accountability

Courses = Cost = Accountability Coachwrite • 0 Comments “How to” courses have their place in every marketplace. The acceptable formats for submissions of articles, manuscripts, proposals, plays, screenplays are available in books, classes, videos, and courses. Take your work and yourself seriously, so take the strain, and submit your work in the appropriate format. Learning the

Courses Cost Accountability Read More »

Thou Shalt Not

Take all the creativity out of writing personally or professionally. If you are a technical writer, journalist, historian, essayist then accuracy, integrity, and attention to specific detail is part of the task. (Please note the absence of the word “job”.) The “work”, “task”, “assignment” refers to the challenge when a writer faces a blank page.

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